Nuvolo e Musica

A fantasy show, a sign of hope. The cool breath of a winter morning.


“My name is Nuvolo. Even when I’m in a good mood like today, I can say I’m calm.”
Nuvolo, a character who comes from afar, works as a music page turner for two pianists. In doing so he gets distracted, allows himself to be lost in the music and ends up leaving the dimension of reality and entering into one of emotion.
Carried by the notes, Nuvolo interprets, follows and anticipates the flow of musical discourse that is transformed through it into word and action, sound and silence. The music envelops Nuvolo as an unknown language, not constrained by the obligation of meaning becomes free thought, a material that can be molded for a continuous play of imagination and reinterpretation.
The purity of his words and the simplicity of his gestures open the doors of feeling. The audience slowly lets the music enter its soul, to feel the flow of life and forget the sense of time. In love with his pianists and their singing, she will never reveal her love that lives in the thousand attentions and inventions that their music gives birth in him. Nuvolo gives us a profound and complete experience of feeling, reminding each of us of the intimate essence of art, of rediscovering ourselves.
